Simplanova AL Tools (SALT)

Move Dynamics NAV / 365 BC Code to Extensions Automatically

Upgrades to BC taking too long? 

Automate migration with SALT

Since the introduction of Business Central v14 and AL/extensions, the upgrade effort of Dynamics NAV to Business Central has reached new heights – Simplanova’s recorded average project size has more than doubled since 2019. Luckily for the past 24 months, Simplanova has been working on a platform of Partner tools to automate migration work.

Simplanova AL Tools (short – SALT) – a platform of tools that support you throughout your full Business Central C/AL code to AL conversion.

SALT automatically applies many of the fixes you would normally search for and apply manually, provides suggestions, implements useful developer functions.

SALT Features

Simplanova AL Tools automatically handles:

Code to Events

Event comments are extracted from codeunit delta files. All events are moved from AL files to dedicated event subscription codeunits, divided by object type (Table, Page, and Codeunit events). Where possible, code modifications are moved to the closest available event.


Modifications are automatically moved into AL triggers where possible.


Usage is refactored into using the dedicated Temp Blob codeunit together with all functions, which are used to manipulate data inside the TempBlob record.

Breaking Changes

Part of the objects and methods, which have been split up, refactored, or renamed by Microsoft, are automatically updated and fixed accordingly. SALT covers more common cases. A full list of breaking changes is documented here.

Options to Enums

Automated conversion. Option type variable and table field conversion to enums, re-usage of existing enums.

File Management issues

Whenever a deprecated function from the File Management codeunit is used, it is refactored to work in AL, including usage of Blob Import instead of directly working with files the original way.


Standard reports to be renamed and substituted with custom ones. Report layouts are divided into dedicated folder.

Download SALT

Visual Studio Code Marketplace

SALT features, conversion demo and how to install

Example of converting C/AL code to events in AL

Why Simplanova AL Tools?

Automated tools

Forget manually searching for and applying fixes – SALT handles that for you.

You own the code

Once converted, you or your customer owns the code. We do not store it and we do not add any external software to it, there’s nothing you need to run your converted code.

450 project knowledge

Access to knowledge base compiled from performing over 450 upgrade projects in the past 9 years.

Benefits of SALT

Are your Dynamics NAV customers postponing upgrade due to cost increase? The team does not yet have the skills to complete a C/AL to AL upgrade?

SALT platform can help you address both challenges by providing automated fixes. By using an automated approach, you can prevent mistakes done manually when upgrading solution and focus your attention on advanced development for customer instead of learning skills that you would apply once in an upgrade project.

Facts about SALT


30% of estimated time can be saved on a heavily modified conversion from C/AL to AL.

1000s hours

1000s hours saved on Simplanova’s C/AL to AL upgrade projects.

SALT Roadmap

2023 Q2

Demo version. Customers to be able to test SALT themselves.
Analyzation results. Measured analysis results are displayed by points.

2023 Q4

Event upgrades. Advanced procedure comment refactoring to events by creating subscribers in more flexible ways. Suggestions on how to handle flagged code parts like unhandled File Management cases.

2024 Q2

Automations. Xml, Excel automation refactoring to .Net

2024 Q4

 Breaking changes. Additional cases of breaking changes related to new BC releases.


Find out all answers about Simplanova Dynamics NAV / 365 Business Central services

Simplanova AL Tools

Please fill out the form below if you are looking to download or a demo of Simplanova AL Tools

Need more help with your upgrade project?
Simplanova Report Converter

Convert C/SIDE reports automatically to AL reports with RDLC format.

Simplanova Dataport Converter

Convert Dataports to XMLports automatically.

NAV / BC Upgrade Service

Upgrade to Dynamics 365 Business Central latest version.

NAV / BC Development Service

Choose our professional development services to speed-up with Dynamics 365 Business Central projects.